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AmafestUK 2022 | Perpetua Sponsor Interview

AmafestUK wouldn’t be possible without our brilliant sponsors.

In the run-up to AmafestUK 2022, we interviewed our sponsors to shed some light on who they are, what they do, and why they sponsor AmfestUK 2022.

Today’s interview is with Perpetua.

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1. What is Perpetua and what do they do?

Answer: We’re a software company focused on building growth infrastructure for e-commerce and experts in marketplace advertising. We’ve built an extremely successful platform for sellers, brands, and agencies for their Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display advertising, and Amazon’s DSP.

2. How does Perpetua help Amazon sellers?

Answer: Our area of expertise is in building software to automate manual tasks that waste the time of humans, such as campaign creation and bid optimization. The software helps sellers save time that they can reallocate to tasks that will have higher impact on sales and/or add more strategic value. It also drives better performance with the use of Artificial Intelligence.

3. Why does Perpetua sponsor AmafestUK?

Answer: A great chance for us to meet with sellers and share our expertise with them!

4. Are there any latest Amazon trends you would like to talk about?

Answer: We will have released our latest advertising benchmarks from Q4 2021 by the time of the conference, so we look forward to sharing trends in metrics like CPCs, CPMs, Sales and others with everybody. We can even share category trends and compare them.

5. What is Perpetua’s call to action?

Answer: We are looking forward to meeting everyone in Manchester on 11th March! Feel free to grab me at some point during the day or come to our booth. If you have questions about Amazon advertising, want some advice on best practices, or want to find out more about what we do, I am happy to help.

In the meantime, you should find all the info you need at Perpetua.

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A big thank you to Perpetua for this interview.

We look forward to seeing their Head of Europe, Mark James, at AmafestUK 2022. Mark is leading a session on brand building with Amazon’s DSP. Read more about Mark’s session here.

Get your tickets before spaces run out.
